CSR activities
Social awareness about CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is increasing year by year. Pioneer Group has already been asking our suppliers for "environmental protection" and "social responsibility" in the "Requests to Our Suppliers." In addition, we have established "Pioneer CSR Procurement Guideline" to specify again what Pioneer Group would very much like our suppliers to work on.
We believe it is essential for Pioneer Group and our suppliers to earnestly engage in CSR activities in order to contribute to the sustainable society-wide development as a member of society.
We would appreciate your understanding of the gist and positive promotion of CSR activities.
The Pioneer Group considers the Responsible Mineral Procurement as important issue to accomplish the Corporate Social Responsibility, and establishes transparent supply chain by cooperation with our suppliers.
It is actions to prevent procurement of minerals which is source of financing for the conflicts by mining or trading, or which involves human-rights violations or labor problems. It also includes actions against the Conflict Minerals such as tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold originated in the Conflict Regions specified in [Financial Regulatory Reforms] (Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act) enacted in US on Jul.2010.