The Japanese government announced its goal to achieve carbon neutrality, i.e., reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero, by 2050. Greenhouse gases are gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane that absorb heat in the atmosphere. CO2 makes up the majority of greenhouse gas emissions, and is generated primarily by burning fossil fuels and product manufacturing processes.
In the automotive industry, to achieve carbon neutrality throughout the vehicle life cycle from manufacturing to disposal, initiatives are fully underway to reduce CO2 emissions throughout the supply chain, including manufacturing. Particularly with the expansion of the market for EVs, which do not emit CO2 while running, attention is on technologies to make smaller and lighter EV parts. Initiatives to make smaller and lighter automotive parts have always been pursued from environmental and fuel economy perspectives, but even for EVs, smaller and lighter parts make it possible to extend driving range using batteries with the same capacity.
The vehicle structure and required technologies are completely different between conventional gasoline-powered cars and EVs, which are expected to see an increase in development activity. Pioneer takes this huge shift to EVs as an opportunity to use its wealth of sound technologies to propose solutions to automobile manufacturers from the early stages of development, such as moving speakers installed in the doors of gasolinepowered cars to the front section of the car interior and using the rear vehicle structure for more flexibility in speaker location. We will continue to increase the pace of achieving carbon neutrality, including joint initiatives in addition to working independently.
We propose solutions for smaller and lighter speakers by using the vehicle structure.
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Tohoku Pioneer Corporation