the Environmental Management
in Pioneer Group.
The Pioneer Group aims to provide solutions (maximization of positive output) that contribute to solving environmental problems in order to realize a sustainable society. To achieve this goal, we address about environmental consideration (minimization of input) during life cycle of products/service and reduction of environmental impacts (minimization of negative output) emitted by our company.
Environmental Management
Pioneer launched the "Pioneer Environmental Preservation Promotion Committee" in 1991 to control the environmental preservation activities in entire group. Internal each site, affiliated companies, and oversea local branches establish the environmental management system, and promote the environmental activities. Moreover, by ISO14001 certification and internal audit, we secure conformance and effectiveness of the management system.
In order to realize philosophy of Environmental Preservation and Environmental Policies, Pioneer obligates main sites to establish the Environmental Management System and to certify the ISO14001. Moreover, we integrate the Environmental Management Systems which had been promoted by each office or group company in Japan, and promote activities for higher target in entire Japan group.
Pioneer conducts a global environmental effect assessment and grasp the environmental impact by our business activities to determine the environmental management items.
In our business form, energy use (greenhouse gas emissions) has a large impact on global warming, accounting for 82.5% of the total.
Please refer the data in detail and Environmental Management Items.
At the design stage of the products, we select the material to consist the parts, use amount, and electrical parts to mount. Moreover, electrical performance such as consumption electricity when customer use and product weigh are determined at this stage. At this important timing of product design to determine the environmental performance, we conduct product assessment for all products to realize effective environmental consideration, and ensure to conform the environmental laws and regulations of each country in the world.
Prevention of Global Warming
Recycling of Resources
Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Products
Flow of Product Assessment from the Lifecycle Viewpoint
Group sites in Japan hold Environmental e-leaning for employees regularly. The purpose is to be more interested in environment for employees who engage various jobs. By focusing on the social trends such as "SDGs", "Ocean plastics", and "carbon neutral", it contributes improvement of environmental awareness for individual and organization.
Example of leaning texts
In order to aim to improve the environmental activities, Pioneer Group has prepared the "Pioneer Environmental Contribution Award" to award internally for the offices, plants, groups, or individuals around the world that have contributed to environmental preservation activities.
In 2023, we awarded it to the Thailand factory in Pioneer Group (PTM:PIONEER MANUFACTURING (THAILAND) CO., LTD.) due to excellent result for reduction of the Greenhouse gas emission by solar panel installation.
Ceremony in the local site (PTM)
Pioneer addresses to establish reliable relationships by sharing business activities and information about its products related to the environment in a timely manner, and by holding dialogues with stakeholders. Furthermore, Pioneer expands environmental activities based on regions around the world so as to contribute to realize a better global environment. Pioneer values environmental communication with stakeholders.
Environmental communication
with stakeholders
Kawagoe Plant holds the Environmental Communication by inviting totally about 20 members of neighborhood association and Kawagoe City Environment Division every year. We let them know about Kawagoe Plant by explanation of environmental activities, tour of environmental facilities, trial listening at TAD studio, and bodysonic (body sensible acoustic system) experience, to establish good relationship with neighbors.
Observation tour
of the recycle center
We receive many inquiries about our environmental activities. Pioneer takes each inquiry seriously, answers sincerely and promptly, and respects on customer opinions.
The inquiries about reduction result of Greenhouse gas emission are increasing in these years.
Furthermore, we have received inquiries continuously from suppliers/ product customers about inclusion and use of environmental hazardous substances in products, and from industry organizations about overseas laws and regulations related to energy savings and chemical substances.
We received 144 inquiries in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023.
Among these inquiries, environmental complaint was 0.