and emission of greenhouse gas.
Pioneer group addresses the sustainable management to realize the carbon neutrality specifying the “climate change” as one of the most important social issues. As for the Greenhouse gas emission (Scope1*1+Scope2*2) from our company, we have specified milestone to reduce 42% by the fiscal year ending in March 2031 from base year of the fiscal year ended in March 2021. And as for the lifecycle CO2 regarding products and services, we will cooperate with our customers then address to reduce it aggressively. Moreover, our company has started to provide the solution services which contribute to vehicle usage revolution and logistics revolution in mobility field, then realize contribution of carbon neutrality and our company's growth. In order to enhance information disclosure regarding these climate change, we support the TCFD*3, then organize the sustainable management strategy to proceed preparation of the disclosure.
Scope 1: An organization’s direct GHG emissions (fuel combustion, industrial processes, etc.)
Scope 2: Indirect emissions associated with the use of electricity, heat, or steam supplied from another company.
TCFD: "Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures"
Reduction of 42%
by the fiscal year ending in March 2031
(Compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2021)
CO2 emission
Example of the activities
Promotion of thorough energy saving countermeasures
Visual management of the energy at production processes
and consideration of usage reduction
Kawagoe Plant, Tohoku Pioneer (Vietnam) CO., Ltd. (TPV)
Installation of solar panels
Pioneer Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (PTM)
Procurement of electrical power
from renewable energy sources
Kawagoe Plant, Tohoku Pioneer Corporation (Tendo Headquarters)
Solar panels in PTM
Operation from November 2022
Energy consumption for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 from the Pioneer Group’s business sites fell 10% compared to the previous fiscal year.
Energy consumption
Cold water
Please see the Data for detail.
In order to reduce the CO2 emission amount in entire products lifecycle, we conduct LCA (life cycle assessment), analyze the CO2 emission amount, and conduct visible management to confirm reduction of emission amount compared with previous products, to address to prevent the global warming.
By reduction of parts quantity and parts weight, lifecycle CO2 emission can be reduced 7.5% in Cyber NAVI and 6.6% in Raku NAVI comparing with previous model.
New item such as NP1 is developed with consideration of LCA, as well.
We will calculate LCA from development stage to make effort to reduce CO2 emission.
The target value of global warming countermeasures at sites proceeded by Pioneer has been established by considering various promises with stakeholders. Large-scale sites promote activities based on the frameworks of Energy Saving laws, and some sites focus on global warming countermeasure proceeded by local government.
Kawagoe Plant participates the Cap-and-Trade Emissions Trading System of Saitama Prefecture, takes reduction activities for the reduction target specified for production industry, then achieves the target by not using the emissions trading.
The third-party verification
To report about the Cap-and-Trade Emissions Trading System of Saitama Prefecture, Kawagoe Plant had the third-party verification for the greenhouse gas emission amount by the registered verification organization for the 3rd planning period, the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022.
Based on the verification guideline of Saitama Prefecture about the emission amount, boundary, measuring point, and evidence of energy use amount were checked, then transparency and reliability of the data can be confirmed.
Pioneer group is expanding our utilization of the renewable energy as one of our activities to reduce GHG emissions.
At the production plant in Thailand, solar panels have been installed on the roof since November 2022 to generate solar power with PPA model, and 7% of the plant’s total electricity is supplied by the renewable energy.
From April 2024, 100% of the electricity used in building related to production at the plant (73% of the used total electricity) was switched to electricity delivered from substantial renewable energy sources.
From April 2022, 50% of the electricity for the entire plant building was switched to the electricity generated from hydropower.
The office building (Bukyo Green Court, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo) where the head office is located uses 100% CO2-free electricity produced from substantial renewable energy. In addition, other locations such as the office building (Suginami-ku, Tokyo) where Pioneer Sales and Marketing Corporation is located are also proceeding to use the substantial CO2-free electricity.
Renewable Energy Ratio and CO2 Emission Reductions
As of April 2024
Location | Renewable Energy Ratio | Annual CO2 Emission Reduction |
Production Plant in Thailand(PTM) | 7% | About 780t |
Production Plant In Kawagoe | 73% (production-related building: 100%) |
About 2,600t expected |
Tohoku Pioneer Corporation | 50% | About 730t |
Pioneer Head Office | 100% | About 45t |
Energy Saving Subcommittee in Soar Corporation (Group company of Tohoku Pioneer) takes activities by working style with various divisions under the leadership of facility department about the theme of energy reduction in business activities. The Energy Saving Subcommittee focused on efficiency of operation time of the clean dry air supply machine used at production site. When the clean dry air supply machine stops once and restarts, recovering to supply low dew point air, which is necessary for production, takes 4 hours or more, so production schedule needs to be grasped in detail. But by establishing frameworks to adjust with each related division in detail, operation stop in appropriate timing became possible. By this effort, 182.3 MWh electrical power can be reduced, it is reduction effect of 95.3 t-CO2 by conversion to CO2. By leadership of Energy Saving Subcommittee, Soar Corporation (Group company of Tohoku Pioneer) makes effort to optimize work processes to reduce the greenhouse gas emission cooperating with related divisions.
Energy Saving Subcommittee
Clean dry air supply machine
Reduction effect of CO2 emission