natural environment.
Although an enterprise performs its business activities by receiving food, water, and other benefits of ecosystem services supported by diverse organisms, it also has impacts on the ecosystem, such as decrease of biological species.
Environmental impact assessment results show that the Pioneer Group is high in environmental impact in terms of energy use amount, wastes, etc. Therefore, based on the concept that we can contribute to preserve the biodiversity by making effort to reduce environmental impact comprehensively such as global warming prevention, resource savings, resource recycling, and management of chemical substances, the Pioneer Group addresses to reduce energy use amount and wastes continuously.
In addition, we continuously conduct the regional contribution activities and make efforts to preserve biodiversity such as the Pioneer Forest activity and improvements of activity areas for animals and plants.
In 2005, Pioneer concluded an agreement with the Saitama Prefectural Forestry Public Corporation to takeover regular management of 2.4 hectares of cypress forest near Kamakita Lake, which we have named the "Pioneer Forest." The forest, which had originally been a dark forest that blocked out sunlight, has grown bright and leafy thanks to the work of Pioneer employees and their families volunteering regularly thinning and pruning trees. This activity was certified to be equivalent to a CO2 absorption amount of 34.0 tonnes- CO2 /year in 2022 by the Forest CO2 Absorption Certification Scheme of Saitama Prefecture. In February 2016, Saitama Prefecture also became involved, and all three parties concluded the new Saitama Prefecture Forest Development Agreement. We will enhance future activities by using forest including workshops for children to experience nature.
Forest CO2 Absorption Certification by Saitama Prefecture
Tree pruning
Forest after the tree pruning
You can enjoy the Pioneer Forest (sound and location) recorded in the
* The “Sound Lab.” is a sound entertainment space where you can listen, feel and express pioneer's commitment to sound.
If you click the point colored with each category on the map, you can enjoy photo and real sound on the site.
Listen to the sound by Sound Lab.
In these years, by effect of COOVID-19 etc, the activities had been stopped for a while, but we were able to have them with no limitation for the first time in 4 and half years.
Adults of participants entered into the mountain then thinned out, and children challenged Forest Exploration and Woodworking.
The employees participated for the first time on that day enjoyed experiences in the nature which were rare in usual days and had good sweat.
Moreover, by the thinning, sunlight hit all over the forest ground, then made good environment to grow trees.
From now, we'll deepen exchanges of employees through the forest maintenance activities, and continue the Pioneer Forest events as environmental preservation activities.
You can enjoy the Pioneer Forest (sound and location) recorded in the
* The “Sound Lab.” is a sound entertainment space where you can listen, feel and express pioneer's commitment to sound.
If you click the point colored with each category on the map, you can enjoy photo and real sound on the site.
In the Woodworking, we made Nameplate
by the materials we picked up in the forest.
The signboard built in 2005 has been there for 15 years, then deterioration on props has progressed, so we repaired them. Regarding the signboard setting, the Saitama Prefectural Forestry Public Corporation supported us for all processes from material selection of the props to processing method, work tools, and work processes. They supported us on the setting day as well.
Currently the forest maintenance activities of the "Pioneer Forest" are stopped due to the COVID-19, but we would like to restart and continue them.
Dig the holes and sting the props
Take balance to make the board horizontally
It took 3 hours to complete the setting
PTM (production corporation in Thailand) performs planting activities of mangrove in Samut Songkhram.
There are mangrove forests along the coastline of Thailand, populated by marine and forest animals and plants. The forests serve important roles as two ecological systems and are called "Paradise for living creatures" and "Cradle for marine lives". However, mangrove forests have been decreasing recently.
Therefore, PTM has started the planting activities since 1996 to improve the environment.
Condition of the works
Kawagoe Plant participates the Cleanup Activities which are organized by Kawagoe Environment Net and performed for "Kawagoe Festival“ held at Kawagoe City in Saitama.
The Kawagoe Festival, which is registered as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, is a great pleasure on autumn in every year for many people including citizen. In 2021, the festival was not held due to COVID-19, but “to clean the town for next year", the "Autumn Cleanup Activities" were performed mainly in the Warehousing Zone in old town of Kawagoe.
Same as usual year, employees in Kawagoe Plant and their families participated, and poured comfortable sweat while picking up trash on the specified route.
In Pioneer Kawagoe Plant, employees performed the Cleanup Activities at Koedo Kawagoe Warehousing Zone.
The community contribution activities had been canceled due to COVID-19, but this time, it was held for the first time in a while, and about 30 members participated including interns. It was performed while taking countermeasure against COVID-19, and a lot of trash was collected in the 2-hour Cleanup Activities. We would like to continue to participate this community contribution activities.
Pioneer Kawagoe Plant was registered as an activity organization of "Sainokuni Road Support System" in Saitama Prefecture, and we perform cleanup/ beautification activities on the roads controlled by prefecture.
In late years, it cannot be performed with large numbers of people due to COVID-19, so we continue the activities with several voluntary employees. We would like to continue the cleanup of surrounding roads of this plant and maintenance of the road environment, and build the confidence relationship with community residents, to attempt to improve the environmental awareness in employees.
Mascot characters
in Saitama Prefecture
Kobaton & Saitamacchi
At the Pioneer System Technologies Corporation, we participate the "Sendai Town Beautification Support Program" to clean the surrounding of headquarter building periodically.
In order to cooperate to develop the comfortable town where we located, we have been continuously participated the activities since we were certified in 2014.
The activities were acknowledged in 2017, then a signboard was installed near the headquarter building by Sendai City.
We would like to continue the activities.
In SOAR CORPORATION (group company of Tohoku Pioneer Corporation), as beautification activities of Yonezawa Hachimanbara Industrial Park in Yonezawa City of Yamagata Prefecture where our plant is located, we participate the mowing and planting activities on median strips of main roads in the Industrial Park every year.
Yonezawa has so heavy snowfall in winter season that snow walls are made along with roads, but weeds start to grow all at once as soon as thawing in spring, and in early summer, weeds overgrow on median strips in the Industrial Park, so visibility and beauty of the road will be poor. Therefore, corporations in the Industrial Park get together, share the area, then perform the mowing and planting activities on the median strips.
Every year, we mow and plant the pansies in June, and mow on surrounding in August.
By these activities, we can enjoy the main roads in Industrial Park as "Flower Roads" which bright color flowers bloom till September.
Before mowing
Being mowed
Plant the pansies
Corporations in Industrial Park
participate to make the Flower Roads