Pioneer Corporation and other companies in the Pioneer group shall strive to cope sincerely with the issue of product safety and to earn a high level of social confidence by closely following this action guide on the principle that it is not only social responsibility but also essential from an administrative viewpoint to ensure safety of products and promotional materials, and their repair and installation provided by the Pioneer group (referred to as Product hereinafter), and to offer security and assurance to customers.
We shall observe laws relating to product safety.
We shall establish and maintain a corporate culture based on the mottoes, "emphasizing customers" and "safety assurance of product" by drawing up and promoting voluntary action plans on product safety, and making continuous improvements on them.
We shall establish technological and control standards for product safety, which cover the whole processes from development and production to disposal in order to secure product safety, check on a regular basis whether or not appropriate quality control is maintained, and make changes for improvement if necessary.
We shall actively collect information concerning problems related to our products from customers and distributors, immediately inform the top management of the problems, and provide customers and distributors with pertinent information.
In case of a serious product related accident, we shall make a prompt report to the government concerned based on the pertinent law.
In case of a product accident, or if an occurrence of such an accident is imminent and responses to the market are required, we shall promptly inform customers and distributors, and recall products or take other measures to prevent damage from occurring and spreading.
We shall provide appropriate cautions and messages in operating manuals or on products themselves to prevent misuse of products and accidents due to carelessness, and to ensure the safe use of products by customers.