By engaging in sound and transparent corporate management, we seek to maintain our course, as a company trusted by our shareholders and by investors.
The Management Stance of the Pioneer Group places the highest priority on customer satisfaction, a goal towards which we constantly strive. We seek to increase the value of our brand name as one held in confidence by our customers by exerting our best efforts to build the organization and to train our personnel to achieve this goal.
We respect international principles concerning corporate behavior for multinational companies such as the ILO Tripartite Declaration, the OECD Guidelines, and the UN Global Compact, and we comply with relevant international agreements for maintaining world peace and security.
We seek to maintain and improve our rich and safe natural environment by establishing environmental management systems and programs to reduce environmental burdens.
We engage in a sustained dialogue with local communities in regions where the Pioneer Group operates, and we seek to make contribution, among other ways, through our business activities and our use of human and material resources. Moreover, we seek to contribute to society through our daily activities.
We will not maintain relationships with antisocial forces or organizations which pose a threat to the order and security of civil society. We will act promptly, by legal means as necessary, to ensure that we will not be influenced or victimized by antisocial forces or organizations.
In addition to corporate data on business results and activities, we strive to disclose information on efforts involving environmental protection and social responsibilities. We obey all applicable laws and regulations as well as the company rules and policies governing stock trading in countries in which the company shares are listed on an exchange. And based on applicable disclosure standards, we seek to disclose information in a full, fair, accurate, timely, and comprehensible manner. Moreover, we make an active effort to engage in public relations activities to assist investors.
We prohibit the trading of the company shares in violation of laws and regulations or the company rules and policies based on insider information that could potentially affect the company share prices. We also prohibit passing of such insider information to acquaintances or family members.
We grant no special benefits or favors to isolated shareholders or investors.